Bomb attack kills 2 soldiers in Iraq’s Anbar

Bomb attack kills 2 soldiers in Iraq’s Anbar

Iraqi sites published photos that they said were leaked from inside the Al-Asad base, in Anbar Province, after the Iranian missile strike, in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad. [Arabi21]
Iraqi sites published photos that they said were leaked from inside the Al-Assad base, in Anbar Province, after the Iranian missile strike, in retaliation for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad [Arabi21]

March 21, 2020
Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in a double bomb attack in the western Anbar province on Saturday, according to a military officer.
The officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said four other soldiers were injured in the attack, which took place in the town of Rutba, west of Anbar.
Although no group has yet claimed responsibility, Iraqi officials often blame such attacks on the Daesh terrorist group.
In 2017, the Iraqi army – with the help of a US-led military coalition – recovered most if not all the territories lost to Daesh in 2014.
Although officials in Baghdad say Daesh presence in the country has been largely eradicated, the terrorist group has continued to stage sporadic attacks in Iraq’s Nineveh, Kirkuk, Diyala, Saladin and Anbar provinces.
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