Rhinoplasty: The Most Typical Concerns People Have With Their Noses

Rhinoplasty: The Most Typical Concerns People Have With Their Noses


Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that’s meant to change the nose’s structure, shape and form. People choose to get rhinoplasty for various reasons—patients may dislike the appearance of their nose and want to change it, or, they experience breathing problems and need to improve the nose’s structure. It’s a complex procedure, but a very commonly performed one. In fact, rhinoplasty was the fifth most performed procedure in the world in 2013 according to International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery statistics.

Advanced technology and techniques in cosmetic surgery allow surgeons to perform rhinoplasty safely. Even better, there’s now 3D computer imaging and simulation that can show patients how their noses will look like before the actual procedure. This is offered during a patient’s consultation to let them actually see what their results could look like.

Plastic surgeons will always try to deliver you the best results, but you won’t see the final results right after your surgery. There’s a recovery period where casts are placed on the nose. Patients are also recommended not to do physical activity like sports until six weeks after the procedure. Swelling is totally normal after rhinoplasty and is considered as part of recovery. Swelling can last a few months or up to two years. That means you can determine the end results of your nose once swelling subsides.

Dr. Mulholland, a Toronto cosmetic surgeon who has been performing rhinoplasty for the last 20 years, talks about the different types of noses he treats regularly.  He describes what they are and what steps he usually takes to treat them.

Source: SpaMedica. These are some common nose concerns patients have.

Nose bridge bump

Bridge bumps are usually present due to hereditary overgrowth of the bones and cartilages on the nose’s bridge. Sometimes, nose injuries or fractures can cause overgrowth of the tissue which results in bridge bumps. Patients with this look often dislike their three-quarter and profile views. Your surgeon will file down the nasal bones to reduce this bump.

Bulbous tip

Bulbous tips are typically caused by excessive overgrowth of lower lateral cartilages. It’s often hereditary but sometimes bulbous tips appear after trauma. To treat this, external rhinoplasty would be the go-to option. The lower lateral cartilages will be reduced or contoured to leave the tip looking thinner and sleek.

Crooked noses

Crooked noses come from the deviation of the internal partition of the nose called the septum. Irregular septums can make noses look like they’re lopsided. To improve the appearance, a septoplasty would be performed which involves removing part of the septum. Then, the nose bridge would be restructured (usually with the material taken from the removed septum) to create support and a straighter appearance of the nose.

Wide nostrils

Patients with wide nostrils can have their nostrils reduced by having a portion of the nostrils removed. The incision would be hidden under the nostril’s base.

Book your rhinoplasty appointment

Want to know more about your rhinoplasty options? Book an appointment online or call 1-877-695-2835 to find out what you can do about your nose.

Posted by Thavam

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