“Are you mad, Malli. SAITM is a chance to overthrow the govt” – Namal

“Are you mad, Malli. SAITM is a chance to overthrow the govt” – Namal

“Are you mad, Malli. SAITM is a chance to overthrow the govt” - Namal
 Apr 06, 2017
A group of medical students of SAITM met MP Namal Rajapaksa recently. That is because the MP, as chairman of Tharunyata Hetak, is sensitive to issues of youths.aThe students hoped to inform the MP about problems with regard to their education and find a solution.
They explained to him about the history of SAITM and the problems they have to face, and they asked him to mediate. But, the MP gave them an unexpected reply, “Are you mad, Malli. We are going to use SAITM to overthrow the government,” which left them perplexed.
One the students asked him, “Then Mr. MP, What do you have to say about the Rs. 50 million given by Mr. Neville Fernando for your election work? Wasn’t your father who handed over scholarships to SAITM students? Have you forgotten them?”
Disturbed by the question, he said, “Those are not valid any more. Times change. This is the only chance to overthrow the government. Therefore, we cannot let go of our opposition to SAITM.”
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